Thursday, January 21, 2010

Girl Band Discovery Park

Girl Band Discovery Park

This regular feature of Fretting the Keyboard highlights a girl band or female performer I like.

I hope you'll use Girl Band Discovery Park to find and buy the music of all-girl bands.

Katzenjammer, which means discordant, drunkardly.

Listen to my favorite song, A Bar in Amsterdam, while I tell you a little about them.

A little about them, swiped from their myspace page.

All-female Norwegian band — Solveig Heilo, Anne Marit Bergheim, Turid Jørgensen and Marianne Sveen. Together they play 29 different instruments, thus far. On stage, they swap and trade instruments — tuba, balalaika bass, drums, harmonica, piano, banjo, accordion, mandolin, guitar, melodica, and even managed to pass a trumpet to every member.

They say their self-taught sound is folk, gypsy, country, and rickety-rock pop. I call it a carnival, spaghetti western, rock-a-billy.

Support girl bands: Go listen to Katzenjammer and buy your favorite song.